Missouri State Rifle – The Hawken

In August of 2023 a bill was signed into law naming the Hawken rifle the official state rifle of the state of Missouri. A similar bill was attempted in 2012 but it failed to pass. How fitting that 200 years after the first J&S Hawken rifle was commissioned to be built by General William Ashley from the Hawken brothers in 1823, the rifle was adopted by Missouri as its official state rifle. Ashley used this rifle to help setup the fur trade route from the Rocky Mountains to St. Louis. The Hawken became the saught after rifle for the mountain man and those traveling west as North America was settled during the early and mid 1800s.

Governor Mike Parsons signs the Bill SB139 into law.

Two representatives from Missouri, Mazzie Christensen (Boyd) and Douglas Clemens, proposed this bill before the Missouri congress and were responsible for getting it passed. Kyle Carrol introduced the idea to Representative Christensen and Greg Grimes brought the idea to representative Clemens, to get the ball rolling. At the same time David Wright was working on getting a bill in Tennessee to name the Tennessee State rifle the Tennessee muzzleloader rifle. Unfortunately Tennessee’s bill failed to pass this year, but I’m sure they will continue to work on this for future sessions.

If you would like to learn more about this effort, here are links you can check out:





Here are some pictures we took from the Hawken Classic 2023 as we celebrated this achievement.

Left to Right: Kyle Carrol, Representative Mazzie Christensen, Representative Doug Clemens
Left to Right: Representative Doug Clemens, Bob Browner, Rick Weber, Representative Mazzie Christensen.
Rick Weber presents plaque to Representative Mazzie Christensen (Boyd).
Left to Right: Kyle Carrol, Representative Mazzie Christensen, Representative Doug Clemens, Bob Browner, Art Ressel, Bob Vogt, and Rick Weber.

After the award ceremony, we went to the range to shoot the original Hawken rifle that Greg Roberts, owner of The Hawken Shop, allowed us to shoot, and also shoot the Official State Hawken Rifle, built by Bob Browner.

Bob Browner showing the Missouri State rifle that he built by replicating an original Hawken.
Bob Browner loading the Missouri State rifle
Representative Mazzie Christensen shooting the original Hawken rifle.
Gun Builder, Bob Browner, showing Representative Mazzie Christensen how to shoot the Missouri State rifle.
Representative Mazzie Boyd shooting the Missouri State rifle.
Representative Doug Clements shooting the Missouri State rifle.
Representative Doug Clemens shooting the original Hawken rifle.
Greg Roberts, The Hawken Shop owner, giving Representative Mazzie Christensen the Hawken rifle to shoot.
Bob Browner loading the Missouri State Rifle.
Art Ressel, past owner of The Hawken Shop in St. Louis, shooting the original Hawken rifle with Greg Roberts, current owner of The Hawken Shop, in the background. Art said it was the first time in his life he had ever shot an original Hawken rifle.
Kyle Carrol shooting the Missouri State Rifle.
David Wright shooting the Missouri State Rifle.
Art Ressel shooting the Missouri State Rifle.

YouTube Video Link

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