May 7, 2023 – Memorial 5-Position Match Results

The results of our match are listed below. We had a total of 33 matches shot by 22 individuals. We had one guest shooter today, Bruce Brotsman. Bruce has applied to join the club and this was has 2nd time shooting with us.

Congratulations to Brad Dickinson (Open Match), Ted Sanders (Super Senior), Walter Fett (Smoothbore), and David Brandenburger (Pistol) for first place in each of the matches. Among the Seniors Glenn Baer got First Place, which was 12th place overall. Congratulations!

Open Match (19 Shooters)

*** 1st Place – Brad Dickinson – 68 ***

2nd Place – David Brandenburger – 67

3rd Place – Bob Coffelt – 61

4th Place – Rick Weeks – 60

5th Place – Robert Roth – 57

6th Place – Mike Briscoe – 55

6th Place – Walter Fett – 55

8th Place – Rusty Caldwell – 49

8th Place – Art Buckowitz – 49

10th Place – Bob Browner – 44

11th Place – Ron Lawrence – 43

12th Place – Glenn Baer – 42 *

13th Place – Mike Zemann – 41

13th Place – Mike Buckowitz – 41

14th Place – Tom Goden – 40 *

15th Place – Clint Cummings – 39 *

16th Place – Justin Emerson – 33

17th Place – Joe Kelly – 32

Greg Grimes – No Score

Bruce Brotsman – No Score – Guest

Senior Match *

Super Senior Match (3 Shooters)

*** 1st Place – Ted Sanders – 39 ***

2nd Place – Dennis Quinn – 36

3rd Place – Mike Petersmeyer – 31

Smoothbore Match (5 Shooters)

*** 1st Place – Walter Fett – 45 ***

2nd Place – Mike Briscoe – 43

2nd Place – Ron Lawrence – 43

4th Place – Dave Brandenburger – 42

5th Place – Mike Petersmeyer – 37

Pistol Match (6 Shooters)

*** 1st Place – Dave Brandenburger – 56 2X ***

2nd Place – Rusty Caldwell – 56 X

3rd Place – Justin Emerson – 51

4th Place – Ron Lawrence – 39

5th Place – Don Walker – 32

6th Place – Mike Petersmeyer – 27

50-50 Winner – Robert Roth – $45

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Author: Bob Vogt

Muzzleloader shooter since 2016. Secretary of the Gemmer Muzzleloader Gun Club.

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