12-6-2025 – Gemmer Christmas Party

Pacific Eagles Hall 707 W Congress St, Pacific, MO, United States

12-6-2025 Saturday, Time 1pm - Gemmer Christmas Party The location is the Pacific Eagles Hall. The club will provide drinks. Please bring a dish to share. More details will follow.

1-8-2026 – Board Meeting

Jim Feeney's Home St. Louis, MO, United States

1-8-2026 Thursday, 6pm - Board Meeting

2-1-2026 – Annual Gemmer Meeting

Eureka Fire Department Training Center 18765 Historic Rte 66, Pacific, United States

2-1-2026 Sunday, 1pm - Annual Gemmer Meeting Needed: Your Dues and Assessment Payment.   Please pay Brad Dickinson before the meeting and write checks out to “Gemmer MLGC”.