9-13 to 9-21-2025 – NMLRA Championship Shoot
September 13 - September 21

9-13 to 9-21-2025 – NMLRA Championship Shoot
Each year, thousands flock to our home range in Friendship, Indiana for learning, camaraderie, living history, and shooting sports.
While the crafts and firearms we enjoy are several hundred years old, our facility is quite modern. With covered firing lines, well-kept trap & skeet ranges as well as full hookup camping, The Walter Cline Range is a home away from home for many of our members.
While the crafts and firearms we enjoy are several hundred years old, our facility is quite modern. With covered firing lines, well-kept trap & skeet ranges as well as full hookup camping, The Walter Cline Range is a home away from home for many of our members.
During our National Events in June and September you will find black powder shooting instruction and competitions including trap, skeet, quail walk, sporting clays, chunk gun, pistol, rifle, youth, knife and hawk, woodswalk, running boar, primitive bow, silhouette, and living history encampments. Many vendors set up in Commercial Row selling everything from hand made jewelry to muzzleloading accessories to period crafts. Also, check out the NMLRA Museum while on the grounds! Gunmakers Hall has an impressive display of muzzleloaders that is worth checking out! Affordable camping available. There is something for everyone! Call the NMLRA for more details at 812-432-2670 or check out the website at www.nmlra.org
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