6-1-2025 – The Bottle Match – (MOHA Match)
June 1 @ 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
6-1-2025 Sunday, 10:00am – The Bottle Match – (MOHA Match)
Target: TG2427
Distance: 35 yards
Position: Off Hand
Practice Shots: Yes
Number of Shots: 12
Maximum Score: 120
Sights: Open
Shaders: No
Diopters: No
Cost: $10
Prizes: Liquid libations
MOHA Shooters will shoot 2 targets for a total of 24 shots.
Gemmer/MOHA Members will use target 1 for both Gemmer match and MOHA match.
If you hit the horizontal line on a bottle, the score it taken off the center of the ball. If it is above the
line, it is a 10. If it is below the line, 5.
Scoring is done per the targets instructions:
Bullet fully in bottle neck – 10 points
Bullet nicking bottle neck – 7 points
Bullet fully in bottle body – 5 points
Bullet nicking bottle body – 3 points
Pistol Match: 25-yard black powder pistol match – 6 shots – Cost: $2
Smoothbore Match: .54 cal +; 6 shots; 5 count; 25 yards Offhand; No rear sights; Cost: $2