This was the last Gemmer club match for 2023. It was a 100 yard match shoot off cross sticks from the seated position. There was an Open Sights match and a Peep Sight match with 10 shots on each target. We had 15 Open Matches and 4 Peep Matches. We also had 4 Senior shooters and 4 Super Senior shoots for a total of 23 individual shoots. These matches had a maximum score of 100 points. This match was a trophy match going to the top 3 positions.
Open Match:
*1st: Mike Zemann – 88 2X
*2nd: Mike Briscoe – 82
*3rd: Tom Goden – 76X (Senior)
4th: Walter Fett – 72
5th: Ron Laurence – 70
6th: Justin Emerson – 69
6th: Bob Browner – 69
8th: Bob Vogt – 67x
8th: David Brandenburger – 67X
10th: Joe Kelly – 67
11th: Glenn Baer – 64
12th: Art Buckowitz – 58
13th: Ken Hubbman – 51
14th: Bob Coffelt – 46
15th: Kenny Hubbman – 24
16th: Rhonda Buckowitz – 23
17th: Jim Feeney – 13 (Senior)
18th: Joe Herman – 11

Peep Match:
*1st: David Brandenburger – 89
*2nd: Clint Cummings – 82X
*3rd: Rick Weeks – 74X
4th: Bob Vogt – 41

The Super Senior Match is shot from the bench and 5 shots on a bull target, with a maximum score of 50.
*1st: Carl Jokerst – 43
2nd: Ted Sanders – 41
3rd: Mike Petersmeyer – 40
4th: John Ross – 31.5 (10 shots by mistake, cut the 63 score in half)
Smoothbore Match:
6 shots at 25 yards with the best 5 scoring for a maximum of 50 points.
*1st: Walter Fett – 44
2nd: Ron Lawrence – 43
3rd: Mike Petersmeyer – 37
4th: Drew Guenther – 26X
Pistol Match:
The Pistol Match is 6 shots at 25 yards on the Pistol Target with a maximum score of 60.
*1st: David Brandenburger – 56X
2nd: Justin Emerson – 43
3rd: Ron Lawrence – 35

The Powder winners were Rhonda Buckowitz and Justin Emerson.
The 50/50 winner was Glenn Baer $50.