Hunters Match – October 1, 2023

Another excellent turnout for todays Hunter’s Match. This match is shot offhand at 25 yards at 6 animal targets with 2 shots at each. There were a total of 37 matches shot.

We had 2 new members get voted in, Robert Downs and John Ross. Welcome to the Gemmer Club! We also had a couple of visitors all the way from Australia, Brian and Jo Miles. Thanks for visiting and welcome back any time. Rick Weeks made the Schuetzen Target this year with the surprise X.

So here are the results from todays matches.

General Match: (25 Shooters)

* 1st: Brad Dickinson – 99/120

2nd: Ken Hubbman – 98

3rd: Dave Brandenburger – 90

4th: Robert Vogt – 79

5th: Joe Kelly – 76

6th: Ron Lawrence – 72

7th: James Hubbman – 72

8th: Art Buckowitz – 71

9th: Mike Briscoe – 68

10th: Clint Cummings – 66X

Super Senior Match: (3 Shooters)

1st: Ted Sanders – 42

2nd: Dennis Quinn – 34

3rd: Carl Jokerst – 31

4th: Darren Heaton – 17

Smoothbore Match: (4 Shooters)

1st: Ron Lawrence – 45

2nd: Walter Fett – 40

3rd: Brad Dickinson – 29

Pistol Match: (5 Shooters)

1st: David Brandenburger – 57X

2nd: Darren Heaton – 50X

3rd: Justin Emerson – 46

4th: Don Walker – 28

5th: Ron Lawrence – 27

Schuetzen Black Powder Raffle: Brad Dickinson and Clint Cummings

50/50: Rick Weeks $60

Schuetzen Target Match: Darren Heaton

Gemmer Family Picnic 2023

We had a wonderful time on Sunday, September 24, 2023 at the annual Gemmer Family Picnic. The BBQ and all the sides were delicious! We had our Last Relay for Joe Riggs and Raymond Post. Thank you to everyone that attended!

Pictures and Videos:

Video Link

Hawken Classic Venue Canceled

We successfully completed the 2nd of 4 Hawken Classic events last month. The weather didn’t cooperate again this year, but the event was a huge success and we appreciate all the vendors, seminar speakers, and visitors. I heard nothing but positive comments from everyone I spoke to about the event, including many employees of the Parks Department.

Now for the bad news:

The St. Charles County Parks Department has decided that they do not want to host the Hawken Classic at the Daniel Boone Home any longer. They offered a one day shooting event, but this will not work for our vendors and participants. Event though we had a verbal commitment from them to host the event for all 4 years leading up to the 2025 anniversary they have decided they do not want to honor that commitment. We will begin looking for a venue that wants to share the wonderful history of St. Louis, The Hawken Shop, and the J & S Hawken rifle with the public. Please stay tuned for details as to how this event will continue.

One huge positive that resulted I believe at least partially due to the Hawken Classic is the Missouri State Rifle was named as the Hawken Rifle. Thank you to all that supported this effort and the overall effort of the Hawken Classic Event.