Rendezvous Match Results – March 2025

We had a nice turnout for our Rendezvous match with 21 Gemmer shooters and 1 MOHA shooter. The match consisted of 7 shooting targets with two shots on each. The maximum points per shot was 5 points or 10 points per target for a total of 70 points. If the shooter dressed out in rendezvous clothing they got 5 points. If they shot a flintlock rifle that was also worth 5 points. We had 3 throws each of a hawk and knife. Sticking was worth 1 point and cutting a card was worth 3 points. The maximum points for the hawk and knife was 18 points if you cut the card with all 6 throws. Fire starting was timed and had a maximum of 7 points if you started the fire in under 10 seconds. Add all this up and the maximum points for this match was 105 points.

Match Results:

1st: Brad Dickinson – 60
2nd: Rick Weeks – 59
3rd: David Brandenburger – 57
4th: Ken Hubbman – 54
5th: Glenn Baer – 54
6th: Art Buckowitz – 52
7th: Bob Coffelt – 50
8th: Bryce Stroup – 50
9th: Kenny Hubbman – 46
10th: Bob Vogt – 45
11th: Clint Cummings – 44
12th: Walter Fett – 43
13th: Bob Browner – 40
14th: Stan Pontius – 36
15th: Mike Zemann – 34
16th: Joe Herman – 29
17th: Ron Lawrence – 29
18th: Mike Petersmeyer – 25
19th: Rhonda Buckowitz – 24
20th: Joe Kelly – 23
21st: Jim Feeney – 21
MOHA: Dean Hahne

50/50: Rick Weeks $43

Schuetzen Black Powder Giveaway:
Glenn Baer and Clint Cummings

Rhonda Buckowitz prepared the food for our event. We had brats, chicken, and pasta. Joe Kelly brought chilli. Thank you!

Gemmer Meat Match Results

We had a very nice turnout today with 16 shooters for the first meat match of the season. This is an offhand match shot at 35 yards with a traditional open sight muzzleloader. There were 10 rounds and one optional money round. 1st and 2nd place won meat for each round.

Thank you Ron Lawrence for organizing the event and providing the food and drinks.

Here are the results:

Round 1:

1st: Bob Browner

2nd: Clint Cummings

Round 2:

1st: Bob Vogt

2nd: Jim Feeney

Round 3:

1st: Walter Fett

2nd: Dave Brandenburger

Round 4:

1st: Dave Brandenburger

2nd: Clint Cummings

Round 5:

1st: Brad Dickinson

2nd: Clint Cummins

Round 6:

1st: Bob Vogt

2nd: Brad Dickinson

Round 7:

1st: Connor Whalen

2nd: Bob Vogt

Round 8:

1st: Brad Dickinson

2nd: Joe Kelly

Round 9:

1st: Brad Dickinson

2nd: Bob Browner

Round 10:

1st: Brad Dickinson

2nd: Dave Brandenburger

Money Round: Bob Vogt

Old Farm Shooters

Looking for a place to competitively shoot muzzle loaders during the Winter? Old Farm Shooters has bench matches every Sunday October to April. Practice starts about noon and match starts at 2pm.

Address: 3826 MO-89, Linn, MO 65051
About 35 miles past Stony Hill Gun Club

1st Sundays of the month Oct to April – Light Bench muzzleloader match, 14 lbs and under. 3 shot match, 2 practice shots. Practice before 2pm. Scoring targets placed at 2pm. Meat prizes. $10 entry fee.

All the rest of the Sundays are Heavy Bench Gun Matches. 3 shot match, 2 practice shots. 2pm start time. Practice noon till 2pm. Meat prizes. $10 entry fee.

Here is their description of the matches:

“Our club is open to anyone who want to shoot a muzzleloader of any kind as long as it has open sights, no peep sights, we shoot starting in October – April, on the first Sunday of the month we shot small offhand muzzleloader 14 lbs and under, the rest of the Sunday’s we shoot bench (chunk guns) shooting off of sand bags in the front with no sand bags on the rear, must be held to the shoulder, our shoots are all currently meat shoots, practice all you want until 2pm that when scoring starts, each shooter will get 2 adjustment shoots, before actual shots are counted (scored) our targets are at 60 yards, a white 3″ bullseye nailed to a wood block with tar paper background.
Our insurance policy at the club, new shooters are required to sign a insurance waiver before any shooting takes place.
We usally have around 30 shooters at any of our shoots.” – Russel Samsen

Oh hi there 👋
It’s nice to meet you.

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